Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Are there times we need to forgive God?

How do we handle our anger and forgiveness toward others?

(A review of last week’s sermon topic). When we are shattered, hopeless – don’t stay in that state and let bitterness grow. You can make anger your ally to move forward. “Good” to forgive each other for own sake – release and reconciliation.

How do we handle are anger toward God?
Are there times we need to forgive God? (Psalms 73-74)

Do you feel disappointed in God? What He has “permitted” in your life and others? Why doesn’t he answer prayer?
Move past denial – admit that you say to yourself “ Why did God allow …..?”
Job would not curse God. No, but he did curse day of his birth, etc (Job 2-3). Jonah was cursing life instead, wishing for death at times. That’s displacement of our anger against God upon ourselves – no way to live.

1) Don’t be afraid to admit how we feel? (Psalm 73: 1-16)
Be honest, let it out. In Psalms 73, he admitted envy of the godless and complained to God and calling him out, what is the purpose in trying to be holy, if the godly suffer and the godless prosper? Is it all in vain.

2) Ask God for a Bigger Perspectives (Psalm 73: 17-20)
Enter His sanctuary - sense His presence. Are we missing the mosaic, not seeing the painting of our life or the cosmos in whole? Don’t we realize that the shadows make the light and colors brighter? Without suffering, how do sense God’s tender mercies? Would you really want to live in a world of programmed niceness or in our world where we have the freedom to risk love?

3) Remember that God feels our pain (Psalm 73: 21-28)
What can God do thru my pain and loss? New opportunity, use my life as an example , teach me patience or other virtue.

God’s compassion. Good to be near Him. He is REFUGE. “Where are you, God? Why have you forsaken me?” Even Christ said that. In the intensity of the moment, He may be testing or moving forward His purposes, but He is faithful, He is our Help and Strength. All things are not GOOD, but God can make ALL THINGS (the totality of your life) work for GOOD

I found a summary on the web that follows along these lines, in the above title link you can click.

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