Sunday, January 23, 2005

How can I experience a healthy heart?

Borrowing freely (with attribution) to Robert Boyd Munger - My Heart, Christ's Home - (click title above. for link to book description)

A great "meaty" sermon by Pastor Kirk, tying his study of Ephesians (Leading from the Heart of God) to this book.

Here's what I noted down:

God wants to do an "extreme makeover" in my heart, mind, and soul.

Where is Christ now? He's in Heaven, but he's also inside each of us

( When I think of Ephesians, I think of Watchman Nee's great treatise " Sit, Walk, Stand" - We are positionally seated with Christ at God's right hand in Heaven, but He also also walks with us and stands with us.

A great analogy of our hearts as Christ's home.

1) the study - "mind", control room
questionable reading material, what's on our walls - represent our inner thoughts, our mental pictures. "whatever is noble, whatever is ... think on these things"

2) the dining room - "appetite" - what's our favorite "need", desire - money, fame, prestige. What feeds the soul - satisfies our emotional, spiritual hungers. " I have food that you know nothing of, to do my Father's will"

3) The living room - comfort, intimacy. Do I meet with Jesus - read and talk with Him? Has the fire gone out of the fireplace?

4) The recreation room - where do we relax, hobbies? where do we party? do we take Jesus when you go out? Good time with God? new relationships, new interest, new joy, and fun with Him.

5) The bedroom - Holiness of marriage, value of love and sex. Improper sexuality destroys values. Ask God's help for temptation.

6) The Family room - Think of the larger "family of God". Missions, community, small group fellowship, congregation, worship!
Need each other to grow!

7) The Hall closet. - personal secrets, rotten and bitter things. are they forgotten? lost? No, holding to memories, bitterness? Will He stand for it? No. Give Him the key - He'll clean out the junk, the rot, bring cleanness.


- What grieves God? (Eph 4:30) - Disobedience - doing what He doesn't want you to do.

- What quenches Holy Spirit ( 1 Thess 5:18) - Not doing what He urges, prompts to do.

- Filled with His Spirit - put yourself under His control!

- Confess - He is faithful to forgive ( 1 John 1:9)

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