Monday, July 05, 2004

July 4 Worship -- God of the Ages who with sure Command

Beverly and I were struck by how these lyrics touch our present national situation:

"Your purpose, just, envisions mortals free; God set our path towards human liberty. Still be our ruler, guardian, guide and stay. Your Word our Law, your paths our chosen way ..."

(And get this, with our post 9-11 /anthrax/sarin gas perspective, it has a spin that gives my wife and I a little chill)
...From war's alarms, from deadly pestilence(!),
with steadfast care, be ever our defense.

(God of the Ages who with sure command)

Click on the title link above for another perspective.
I think the pastor linked here comes out in another place than me, perhaps more liberal than me, but I resonate with his understanding that faith and the struggle for justice has played such an important part in our history. He states that the " the first hymn, GOD OF THE AGES, WHO WITH SURE COMMAND, was written for the centennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence in 1876. It became so popular immediately that it was used, a few years later, for the centennial celebration of the Constitution. This hymn reflects on the difference between God and the nation. It does not assume any easy congruity; but rather it prays for God’s grace along life’s toilsome way"

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